Excuse me Miss!

Ladies, it's time to get ready for your luxury portrait session! This is your chance to pamper yourself, feel beautiful, and capture those special moments forever. Here are some tips to help you prepare and make the most of your experience.


Self-care is essential for feeling your best, both inside and out. Start by getting a good night's sleep the night before your session. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and take care of any beauty treatments, such as getting your nails done or maybe even a massage. Don't forget to actually relax and take some time for yourself as well.

Wardrobe Choices:

Your wardrobe choices can make a big impact on the final look of your portrait. Choose clothing that flatters your body and makes you feel confident. Consider the colors you feel best in - not necessarily your FAVORITE color(s), and think about the overall style and mood you want your portrait to convey. If you're not sure what to wear, bring a variety of options to your session and we will work together to choose the best outfit.

Buying New Pieces:

If you're looking to buy new pieces for your portrait session, consider investing in timeless, high-quality garments that you'll be able to wear again and again. This can be a great opportunity to treat yourself to something special and add to your wardrobe. Also - take me with you! I'm always down for a shopping day!

Shopping Your Closet:

If you're on a budget (this could be time or money), you can also and absolutely should shop your own closet for items that you already own and love. You might be surprised at how many great pieces you already have that can be used for your portrait session. Try pairing some of your fav pieces in new ways.

Your luxury portrait session is an opportunity to pamper yourself and feel beautiful. Take care of yourself, choose wardrobe that flatters and makes you feel confident, and have fun! Remember, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and let your unique personality shine through in the photos.